Magical living

Do you remember when you were a child and life seemed magical? You were curious about the world and loved exploring it. Every day was a new adventure. There were lots of playing and learning. You were open and curious. You were falling and rising. You imagined that you could be anything: a princess, a heroine, a mermaid, a fairy, a ballerina, a star, a flower, a horse… You loved drawing, dancing, singing, climbing trees. It was just spontaneous living. In the now.
Later you learned that you had to be responsible and life was serious and you had to be serious… And you had to be in school and be in a certain way that was acceptable… You liked the learning but now it was not as much fun as before. You had to perform well, get good grades and be a nice girl. And later you had to be sensible and choose a good career with a good salary and go to work every day.
And slowly the magic was gone and a part of you, the magical, playful child disappeared, it was forgotten and life was all about the responsibilities and the daily chores… And sometimes you ask yourself if this is really it what life has to offer… if there’s more to this.
I think most of us can recognize this at a point in life: feeling tired and burdened by life’s responsibilities… having a job/business that we are not happy about… feeling empty and dissatisfied… wishing and dreaming that life was better and more interesting, more fun and exciting… If life could be more magical and we could feel ALIVE again.
The truth is: You can have magic in your life again. The magical child is inside you waiting for you to be discovered again! This is the part of you that will tell you that your dreams are possible as long as you are following your heart, curiosity, excitement and joy.
If you would like to re-discover the magical child in you and create more magic and joy in your life, work, business, then I have a couple of open spots for 1:1 work with me. DM for more info.
This is me, when I was four years old, playing a Native American girl in the garden...